The Liberation War of 1971 was a military confrontation between Bangladesh and Pakistan that occurred during this period. It was triggered by the political crisis in East Pakistan, where people demanded autonomy from West Pakistan. The Pakistani army launched a brutal crackdown on East Pakistanis, killing millions of them and displacing millions more.

On December 16, 1971, Pakistani forces surrendered in Dhaka after nine months of fighting. This marked the end of Pakistan’s occupation of East Pakistan and the birth of Bangladesh as an independent nation.

On the occasion of the 53rd glorious Victory Day of the country, the ‘MOMODa Foundation’ paid tribute to all the martyrs of the great Liberation War of 71 at the Shaheed Minar located in Gaibandha City Park on behalf of the Gaibandha Project Office. In addition, a discussion meeting was held at the office of MOMODa Foundation on the occasion of Victory Day and special gifts were given to all the young members of MOMODa family.